
Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I've got Gerontophobia.
Fear of growing old. Stop please, time.
I am halfway in but I really don't want to enter adulthood.
I will no longer be a teenager in slightly under 2 years.
Scary, scary thought.

If only there's a time machine to bring me back to childhood, to when I was around 8 years old.
Life then seemed much better then.
But I am probably just viewing the past with rose tinted glasses. The past always seems much better doesn't it?
I think I am more afraid of becoming a worthless adult than growing old though.
I am afraid of becoming a person that leads a mediocre life, doesn't accomplish anything remarkable and then passes away with few caring.
But I suppose that description fits many people in the world, since not everyone can be Steve Jobs or MJ after all.

Anyway, I was watching a music video on youtube and saw a comment someone had written in reply to another person, who wrote that he hates being a teenager because he feels that he's still a kid inside when everyone around him is changing. 

Here's the comment:
"Well my friend, don't worry about being a kid, I remember a phrase from a mexican writer named Jose Emilio Pacheco that says "There's no adults, only aged kids". So try to enjoy your life as you were a kid as long as posible. Greetings from Mexico." - bobocafe2

This did cheer me up a little, maybe I'll keep thinking of myself as an aged kid then. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too am afraid of dying after a leading a mediocre life, but I have a different way of defining a mediocre life. While I may not accomplish something great in life, at the end of my life, if i had led a happy life(Times i spent with my loved ones/friends), i would say it wasn't mediocre. It was a good one. Sometimes, just making your life simpler would be much more pleasant. Just sharing...