
Monday, August 6, 2012

I don't think I have mentioned this before, but my flight to Shanghai is confirmed for 30 Aug. Or have I? Anyway, the thing is it's just 24 days away (less than a month!) but I can't really feel it yet. Know what I mean? I'm going for five months! I've never been away from home for so long before. But that fact hasn't sunk in yet. Weird. Usually even if it's a five days trip I would get excited early but now.. THERE IS NO FEELING. I think my brain is just too overcrowded with thoughts of exams. Seriously, now that projects are over we are diving straight into exams. STRESS! But it's the last (ever) academic semester anyway, and there are so much to look forward to after this sem ends, so.. LET'S GO!

I'm going to be a curatorial intern in Shanghai Ocean Aquarium by the way! Curatorial work wasn't my first choice but now I am getting pretty excited for it. I heard it's going to be mostly desk bound though. And full of research work. :| But still, the word "curatorial" sounds intriguing. I'm going to start telling everyone I'm doing curatorial work and when they ask "what's that?" I'm not going to explain. Then they can stare at my back in bewilderment and wonder as I turn my curatorial intern self away from their mystified faces. HAHA. Sorry, human thoughts get strange at strange hours.

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