
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Brace Face

Worked at Raindrops today/yesterday.

And when I got home I found out I have a vegetable stuck between my two front teeth.
Piang -________-
I think I am going to get green braces the next time.
Then when people go

'hey you have a veggie stuck between your teeth!'
I can go like
'Oh that's just my braces (, bodoh)'

Only idiots will believe that.

Anyway there is a new guy at the shop.
He's called Kyle but I don't really dare to call him by his name cos I am scared I will mispronounce it.
I even asked him how to pronounce his name but I am worried I will call him something like 'COW' and offend him.
Took a cab home today,
and I said 'have a safe journey' (in mandarin) to the driver.
HAHA I love doing that :]
Gives them a pleasant surprise and I feel happy when they are happy.
I love making people happy.
But I realised my face is always very black, especially towards strangers or people I don't know well.
But that's just cos I am lazy to smile.
It takes energy to keep your facial muscles up all day ya'know?
Plus these few days I have an ulcer on my lip, and I can't smile properly even if I want to.
So if you see me with a :l face don't think I am unfriendly k?

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