
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

This is the 151st post. This blog is now in its second year, though technically it was started 2 years ago.
WHOOO!!! /fireworks
This is a pretty nice place to talk to myself and post shallow stuff my brain sometimes generates.

I actually have another blog (think I mentioned this before though..) that I maintained and updated from year 2006 to 2009 but it is now locked for good because it's too embarrassing.
Even I myself don't dare to read what I wrote.
It's full of "mi", "lolz" and etc ewwwwwww
I am having goosebumps in real life.
I can't bear to delete it but I can't stand to read it either.
But NO ONE ELSE can ever see it.
Or maybe one day I'll unlock it for fun and create another persona for it.

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