
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I used to be able to sit in a library and read books for hours. Literally hours. Just reading and reading non stop. No food breaks, no stretching breaks, just the occasional toilet breaks. I loved how I felt then, for during those hours it truly seemed like I was living in the fictional worlds of the books. The disappointing real world doesn't exist. The sad thing is I don't think I can do it now, because my attention span is getting shorter and shorter. Whenever I see pictures of beautiful libraries on tumblr, I wonder how it's like to spend hours reading in them but I realised I would probably have an urge to check my phone every once in awhile. This spoils the experience. How I wish I can be like before, easily immerse myself into books.

Technology ruined my mind :(

Here's one of those beautiful libraries I am talking about by the way:

National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic (photo by Raphael Neff)

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