
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Every time I think of the upcoming boardroom presentation I want to vomit. And the FYP presentation. And RMTR presentation. And Japanese Speaking Test. Why is everything happening next week? One on tues, one on wed, and two on thurs. Plus the mock FYP presentation tmr. Thank god WISP and MQE is over. Can't wait for Friday seriously. No, I can't wait for internship. Five months in Shanghai away from all these shit

P.S And the new kitchen! My kitchen's renovating now, hopefully I can get to see AND enjoy the end result before I leave. I'm not putting up with all the inconvenience (showering with icy cold water everyday anyone?) and dust for nothing! I MUST SEE IT. Ah but the tiler's slow like a slowpoke. I want to see the cabinets being built but gotta wait for the tiler to finish tiling first. Meh

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