
Monday, July 2, 2012

Just finished reading Dan Brown's Digital Fortress (first published in 1998) and I found it funny how the characters were using pagers. The book is good, but reading it seems to bring me back to the nineties. Not necessarily a bad thing though. Actually besides the pagers there was nothing else to indicate the book was written 14 years ago, but one mention of pagers and my impression of the book immediately changed. Suddenly I can't help imagining the characters in nineties clothing, watching tv programmes on huge CRT televisions, surfing the net with dial up modems.. and you get the idea lol. 

Now I am re-watching Princess Hours (2006) and I noticed the characters were using those lousy (but used to be uber cool) flip phones with the ultra tiny screens, and even portable CD players. HAHA. I miss the days of infrared and bluetooth! Ah so nostalgic. HAHAHA.

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